Davia Sivels
Davia Sivels is a professional with a diverse background and skillset.
She holds a master’s degree in Business Design and Arts Leadership
from Savannah College of Art and Design and a bachelor’s degree in
Fashion Retail and Marketing from the Art Institute of Atlanta. She is a
proud alumnus of Mansfield Timberview High School and cherishes her
family roots in Dallas Texas.
Davia has extensive experience in project management, implementing
effective solutions and policies, and organizing memorable and
effective events. With 5 Years of experience in property management
and community engagement within both residential and commercial
real estate, she is honored to currently serve as Chief of Staff of City
Councilmember Dr. Jared Williams in District 6 in Fort Worth Texas.
In her spare time, she enjoys spending quality time with her husband,
nieces and nephews, siblings, and her two recently retired parents.
Together, they give countless of hours to her father’s church in
community volunteering.